Marcy - Lovable Clown


Well what can we say about Marcy. At ten years old now and has never grown up. The constant clown and goober dog of the family always greeting you with the biggest grin, smiley sneezes and verbal hello’s, she really is a comic.


Unlike Molly who was until recently always out of sight, Marcy is never far away. A little lazy at heart, if she can get away with doing something with the minimum amount of effort she will. The deer that pass by will get chased if they are close enough for the effort to be worth it, but she doesn’t go out looking for them. Not the Hunter, Marcy is more Gatherer, choosing to forage for spoils. Molly has ‘put up’ many a deer that has shot out in Marcy’s direction and more often than not she will raise her head from the scent she is dealing with at the time, shoot the deer a  questionable glance and then go back to search for that tiniest morsel.


Also a working carriage dog and show dog, she always pulled out the stops on work days, but returned to her preferred level of effort as soon as the work was done.


Such a gentle, loving character, who will search out the children in a group of people and just go sit next to them, waiting for a hand to rest on her head. Even the most dog nervous child would walk away a little more confident after being in Marcy’s company for a few minutes.

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