Mona - Mischief Maker


Mona our almost 2 year old bundle of energy, enthusiasm, mischief maker and on occasion downright bossy young lady. With a flip side that is so gentle, cuddly and loving that you wonder if it is the same dog sat on your lap!


Another Molly in the making I feel with her demanding ways, but unlike Molly and Marcy that will alert us of visitors to the property and then just let them in, Mona has taken on the role of protector of all she surveys with great vigour and nothing gets past the drawbridge without us knowing about it. Although contradictory to the whippersnapper persona she puts out, a bit of a mummy’s girl is Mona. Unlikely to be in a room for long if I move out, she follows me round the house and garden and can sometimes be a bit of a velcro dog, until of course some cheeky pigeon or Squirrel Nutkin has the audacity to cross the drawbridge and then we are returned to ‘Mona protect and serve’ followed shortly as always by 'Mona Mischief Maker'.


Mona has already tried out the show ring and has taken to it like a duck to water, so we are just waiting for events to start back up again to continue. In the meantime we have been working on homing her carriage dogs skills and hope that she will pick up from Molly and Marcy as they are now in carriage dog retirement.


A young Dalmatian in training, Mona is coming along nicely and showing the social skills and graces that we all hope we will get in our companion dogs. My favourite parts of the day with Mona are those when she waddles up with half a grin, ears pulled back and wrinkly making her look like Dobby from Harry Potter and climbs up on my lap for a cuddle. I do forget at this point that her reason for the need for a cuddle is that she is trying to butter me up so I don’t chastise her when I find out the ACTUAL reason for the cuddle.

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