Molly - Quietly in Charge

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I have updated Molly's profile blog to let our followers know that unfortunately we lost Molly on 17th August 2023. She was a week off her 15th birthday.  She was fit and healthy till only a few months before she passed away, when her arthritis and spondylosis started to catch up with her but she still remained determined to try to live her life to the full right to the very end. She is missed so much every day by the humans in our family and her sisters Marcy and Mona.


We will leave Molly's original profile here in memory of our gorgeous girl and as one of the namesakes of "Three Spotty Dogs".


Molly, our matriarch, 12 almost 13 years young and still demanding attention when she sees fit. What Molly wants, Molly gets and if it isn’t within her timescale, you get verbal chastisement until she is satisfied that her request has been dealt with according to her wishes. 


A true hunter gatherer, Molly has always had her nose to the ground on our walks. Rabbit, pheasant, deer are always a great opportunity for her to get in some quick cardio work. If you have ever seen that startled look in a wild game’s eye as they realise that they need to move as fast they can to get their behind out of the way of the particular predator on their tail, you are also likely to have a hunter gatherer in your own dog. By the way, no wildlife was ever harmed in the making of this Dalmatian! 


Molly enjoys life to the full and always does everything to the best of her ability. Whether this be in her working role of a carriage dog, in the ring at conformation shows or just enjoying her walks in the countryside. She can turn her paw to anything and carries it out with enthusiasm. 


Slowing down a little now, she leaves chasing the deer and rabbits to the youngsters but still generally fit and active she walks on average five miles a day with us and pops herself off into the woods to check out any leftover spoils from other predator feasts! 


I love to see her shoot that knowing, experienced look across at the youngsters, the look that says “you’ll learn, but if you push your luck, I’ll teach you”. She may have her work cut out now with our whippersnapper, but when she feels it necessary, she will let her know what is acceptable to Molly.

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